What is the Best Human Food for Dogs

What is the best human food for dogs? There are many human foods that a dog can eat, but when feeding your furry friend human food, it should be done with caution. Although there are many healthy human foods that are good for dogs to eat, there are also many human foods that are not safe for a dog to consume. Let’s talk about both.   Impact-Site-Verification: a88d39f6-1e26-407a-9dc2-86508267c94b


Lean meats such as beef, chicken, turkey and lamb are very healthy for dogs and are the best source of protein. These lean meats and a few others are found in nearly all of the healthiest dog foods sold. But always avoid feeding your dog any meats with seasonings, spices or even sauces on them.


Cooked fish like salmon, tuna and shrimp are healthy for a dog to eat as they are another great source of protein and they also supply Omega-3 fatty acids, which helps in maintaining their immune system. When feeding your pup fish or seafood, always make sure it is cooked.


There are many vegetables that are healthy for your pets and many of them are in the healthier dog foods. Carrots, peas and sweet potatoes can often be found in many healthy dog foods. Other vegetables like beets, bell peppers, broccoli, cabbage, celery, pumpkin, spinach and squash are also very healthy for our dogs. A few vegetables to keep away from your pup would be avocados, onions and garlic. Avocados contain a toxin called persin which is poisonous to our little friends, while onions and garlic contain compounds that are toxic as well.


There are also many healthy fruits that our furry friends are ok to eat. Apples are good, but make sure you don’t feed our friends the seeds, as they can cause gastrointestinal distress. Blueberries are very healthy for dogs as well as bananas and watermelon. With watermelons, you must remove the seeds, they can cause intestinal damage and GI distress. Lemons and limes are not healthy for dogs as their skins contain psoralen, which can cause GI distress. Other healthy choices of fruits that are ok for our pups are cantaloupe, cranberries, cucumbers, mangos, oranges and peaches to name a few. Nearly all fruits should be given to our dogs in moderation because fruits are generally high in sugar, which can cause stomach issues. And never feed your dogs seeds or pits as some are toxic. Always peel your fruit as some skins can cause an upset stomach or diarrhea.

Rice and Pasta

Both rice and pasta in their cooked form are often used in small amounts to help sooth a dogs stomach when they are not feeling well. These are both not harmful to your pup but should be cooked and served plain.

Eggs and Cheese

Eggs are another food that is sometimes fed to dogs for an upset stomach. In addition, eggs are very healthy and provide a high amount of protein as well as healthy fatty acids. Always remember to feed your dog cooked eggs, if eaten raw they could create GI distress. Cheese is ok for your pup, but feed them cheese in moderation and be on the lookout the first time they eat it. Dogs, like humans, can also be lactose intolerant.

Peanut butter

Peanut butter is ok for your dog to eat, but in moderation. Be mindful of the ingredients and feed your pups the most natural peanut butter that you can find as the additives such as sugar, other oils, or excessive salt can be dangerous for your dog. Also, make sure that your peanut butter doesn’t contain the artificial sweetener xylazine, as this is very toxic for our pups.

Chocolate and Coffee are Off Limits

As many of us know, chocolate is off limits to dogs. Chocolate contains theobromine and caffeine, which are both unsafe for dogs, as they cannot metabolize them properly. The caffeine makes coffee and tea a no-no for our dogs as well. Additionally, Grapes and Raisins are toxic to dogs as they can, in a worst case scenario, lead to kidney failure. As mentioned above in the fruit section, many fruit skins should be peeled and always remove seeds before feeding to your dog, just to on the safe side.

In Conclusion

There are many human foods that your pet can safely eat, but the key for almost all human foods is moderation. Also, be mindful of the ingredients as there are many things we eat that can prove to be toxic to our little (and not so little) friends. It is always a good idea to consult your veterinarian before feeding your dog anything that you are not 100% sure will be safe for your pup. Keeping our best friends healthy is our number one concern!

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